Developing High-Potential Leaders
Developing high potentials to take on key senior leadership roles is complex and challenging for organizations – beginning with how to define “high potential.” Most organizations can identify, with varying degrees of formality, their short list of likely future senior leaders. But, by definition, the characteristics of these high potentials are illusive. How do you recognize promise, or know it when you see it? This … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Ellen Foley | Source: Forum | Subjects: Leadership, Organizational Behavior
Putting Learning to Work: Principles and Strategies for Improving Performance
While the full story of the next economy and beyond has yet to be written, it is clear that the winners in the future economic environment will be those companies and individuals best able to learn quickly the skills required to thrive in the emerging business climate. This report focuses on two competency areas that are believed to be critical: leadership and management competencies, and … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Tom Atkinson | Source: Forum | Subjects: Human Resources, Industry Specific | Industry: Education / Training
How Sales Forces Sustain Competitive Advantage: Sales Force Research Report
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that enable sales organizations to be highly successful. After doing an extensive review of research by Forum and other companies, we interviewed 111 executives in 96 major companies around the world, representing 17 industries. We asked the executives to rate their sales force’s performance on specific results metrics, such as revenue, profitability, and account retention … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Source: Forum | Subjects: Best Practices, Marketing / Sales