Leader as Coach
Effective leaders understand that their ability to lead depends upon the quality and commitment of their followers. Coaching is an effective way for leaders to help their own people grow, develop, and ultimately lead. Here are eight common, but effective, behaviors:
1. Establish trust
2. Teach always
3. Provide Counsel
4. Problem-Solve
5. Serve to Motivate
6. Deliver discipline
7. Reward achievement
8. … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: John Baldoni | Source: LC21.com | Subject: Leadership
Peter Senge / The Fifth Discipline
Through learning we reperceive the world and our relationship to it… This then is the basic meaning of a ‘learning organization’ – an organization that is continuously expanding its capacity to create its future.
Content: Quotation | Author: John Baldoni | Source: LC21.com | Subject: Learning