Getting More From Your Marketing Investments: Are You Asking the Right Questions?
This article explores the limitations of current approaches to setting marketing budgets and explains a different approach that simplifies the task and gets to the heart of the issue: determining where – not how much – to spend on marketing.
Content: Article | Authors: Mike Bradbury, Neal Kissel | Source: Marakon Associates | Subject: Marketing / Sales
Closing the Strategy-to-Performance Gap: Techniques for Turning Great Strategy Into Great Performance
The prize from closing the strategy-to-performance gap is huge – an increase in performance of anywhere from 60% to 100% for most companies. But this almost certainly understates the true benefits of creating a strategy-to-performance loop. Companies that achieve tight linkage between their strategies, their plans and ultimately their performance often experience a cultural “multiplier effect.” Over time, as strategies are successfully turned into performance, … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Michael C. Mankins, Richard Steele | Source: Marakon Associates | Subject: Strategy