Trillion Dollar Bet (PBS Nova)

This is the companion web site to the PBS Nova program that discusses the invention of the Black-Scholes Formula, a mathematical Holy Grail that forever altered the world of finance and earned its creators the 1997 Nobel Prize in Economics. Here’s what you’ll find online:
– The Formula That Shook the World
One economist has likened the impact of the discovery of the Black-Scholes Formula to that of the discovery of the structure of DNA. Delve into the inner workings of the formula – if you dare.
– Impact of Online Trading
A sidelong glance at this exploding phenomenon.
– A Trader’s Lexicon
You probably know the difference between a bull and a bear market. But what about the difference between a call and a put? A trend line and a trend break? Whisper numbers and whipsaws? Get the answers in our online glossary.
– Play a Virtual Market
Start with a virtual fortune and several leading stocks to spend it on.

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