What Do I Look for in a Pitch?

Founders will often ask me, “Do you want to go through our deck?”
It’s not about the slide deck. We have made the decision to invest in entrepreneurs without slides, whose ambition, passion, depth of understanding of an opportunity and compelling vision come through crystal-clear in conversation.
But…that’s a high bar for communication. Most of the time, putting a business plan on paper helps you structure a conversation and spread knowledge without having the same conversation repeatedly. Most importantly, it clarifies your own thinking as a leader, and is a great way to get your team on the same page — with a singular vision for your company and a shared plan for execution.
After giving this talk to several groups in our network, I’m sharing the slides here in an attempt to demystify one of the most common questions founders have and spread some tribal knowledge — what do I look for in a pitch?

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