Best Practice: Ideas and Insights from the Worlds Foremost Business Thinkers

Lining up a roster of “the world’s foremost business thinkers” is of course just asking to be accused of a wee bit of subjectivity. The world is a big place. But this collection is a good effort to pull together short, readable essays by some eighty of the better-known English-language consultants, writers, and academics. (Harvard Business School is represented by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, who wrote the introduction, Christopher Bartlett, Robert S. Kaplan, and Michael C. Jensen.) You’ll also recognize John Seely Brown, Daniel Goleman, and Geoffrey A. Moore. The short pieces are organized into ten big categories that cover everything from so-called human capital to business strategy, from “connecting with customers” to issues of integrity and corporate governance. Big and broad though the book’s overall theme may be, this is an easy way to penetrate ideas on many aspects of business life. [HBS Working Knowledge Annotation]

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