David A. Garvin

I make an important distinction between CEOs who are effective teachers and CEOs who are effective leaders of the learning processes of their organizations. A teacher imparts a point of view, a perspective, a vision, a set of guidelines – it’s communication from the expert to the novice. Meanwhile a CEO who leads the learning process of others, creates a learning culture, cultivates learning processes … [ Read more ]

Tom Kelly

Ultimately, e-learning will be most effective when it no longer feels like learning — when it’s simply a natural part of how people work: Today, people say, ‘I’m working,’ and what they’re doing is quickly answering emails and voice mails. They don’t say, ‘I’ve got the next two hours slotted for email.’ If you do things in small chunks, they become just another part of … [ Read more ]

John Seely Brown

Learning has to do with integrating information into your own internal framework so you own it within your own conceptual space. That means you have to engage in some kind of action with the knowledge being transferred to you.

Peter Senge / The Fifth Discipline

Through learning we reperceive the world and our relationship to it… This then is the basic meaning of a ‘learning organization’ – an organization that is continuously expanding its capacity to create its future.

Charles E. Lucier and Janet D. Torsilieri

Managed learning is a more efficient and effective means of achieving the strategic agenda that leverages the natural dynamics of organizational change and knowledge creation and use.

Charles E. Lucier and Janet D. Torsilieri

The ultimate business objective of learning should be to systematically accelerate a company’s natural rate of improvement in value created for the customers it targets.

Thomas A. Stewart / Claus Otto Scharmer

Learning from the past is more relevant and productive in stable markets ruled by the law of diminishing returns than it is in tumultuous markets characterized by technological discontinuities and positive-feedback loops (increasing returns).

Learning from the future is less about processing information and more about structuring it and seeing patterns in it. It’s less concerned with making plans than with producing capabilities. It is, … [ Read more ]


The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.

W. Edwards Deming

Learning is not compulsory… neither is survival.

Alvin Toffler

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.