The big power of small goals

Employees who are disciplined about setting daily goals not only accomplish more but also feel better about their work. Here are three ways that managers can make daily goal-setting a habit.

Harrison Monarth

It’s not enough to make sure the right people are on the bus and in the right seat on the bus, as Jim Collins enlightened us in his book Good to Great. Great leaders understand that even the best players on their team need coaching and inspiration.

Elevate Your Performance Review Conversations with these 12 Expert Tips

But it doesn’t have to be such a chore. When done well, performance reviews are an incredibly valuable exercise that enables a manager and direct report to track growth over time, align on how the work impacts what matters most to the business, and build a more open and trusting relationship. The conversation should flow both ways — a back-and-forth dialogue, not a lecture.

That’s why … [ Read more ]

Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage

A dual focus on developing people and managing them well gives a select group of companies a long-term performance edge.

Scott Galloway’s Section 4: Business Education At A Fraction Of The Cost Of An MBA

Section 4, a growing online platform for business education founded by Scott Galloway and working with top business professors and practitioners, distills MBA-quality courses into two- to three-week sprints in topics such as Product Positioning, Brand Strategy, Data & Analytics, Customer-Centered Innovation and more. Sprints are designed to be short, intense, and instantly applicable. They deliver the content at a fraction of the cost of … [ Read more ]

Why People Crave Feedback—and Why We’re Afraid to Give It

How am I doing? Research by Francesca Gino and colleagues shows just how badly employees want to know. Is it time for managers to get over their discomfort and get the conversation going at work?

Russ Laraway

I think a lot of managers convince themselves that the person sitting across from them is an employee and our shared interest is about what we do here in this company today and tomorrow. And I think what I’ve learned is that the best managers say “No, no, no, that person sitting across from me is a human being, and I need to play a … [ Read more ]

Your Startup’s Management Training Probably Sucks — Here’s How to Make it Better

At early-stage companies, where you’re still wrestling with product/market fit and building up the company foundation, management often falls to the back burner, leaving folks to generally figure it all out for themselves. However, many of the cracks that emerge as startups scale can be traced back to those missing managerial cornerstones.

One root cause? Manager training, which is largely ignored by startups as a BigCo bucket … [ Read more ]

Katherine Klein

It’s a commonly held belief, one that gets played out daily in organizations around the world: Employees who receive performance feedback are much more likely to improve their performance than those who don’t get feedback. But research tells us that it’s simply not true. Typically, performance after feedback improves only modestly — and over one-third of the time, it actually gets worse. People who receive … [ Read more ]

Tera Allas, Bill Schaninger

Research shows that as people gain power, they lose the ability to judge a situation accurately, particularly with regard to how others will perceive their actions. They also lose some of their ability to empathize with people in positions of less relative power. Organizational leaders can tackle this tendency directly. While training courses for soft skills—such as providing and receiving feedback—need to become a more … [ Read more ]

How to be a great sponsor

When you’re asked to help young, underrepresented talent succeed, here’s what you’ll need to know to do the job right.

Kristen Etheredge

Traditionally, time and money are invested in nurturing high performers or coaching low performers. But organizations actually get better results from improving the performance of the majority of employees—the average workers. The key is to identify the bright spots in the workforce (those “outliers” whose work exemplifies high performance), focus on what they do differently, and replicate it across the majority. We call this approach “Shifting … [ Read more ]

Pull, Don’t Push: Designing Effective Feedback Systems

To get favorable results from performance evaluations, evaluators must set positive expectations, showing that they believe improvements can be made, and that the feedback itself — even negative feedback — is an opportunity to learn rather than a punitive final word. They should also be willing to assist with concrete steps toward the suggested improvements, including coaching and goal setting. Done correctly, performance feedback can … [ Read more ]

7 Problems With Your Onboarding Program

Over the past decade, many organizations have developed onboarding programs to improve retention, engagement and their overall employee experience.

But a recent study by Gallup has found that most organizations are falling woefully short of the mark. Only 12% of employees strongly agree their organization does a great job of onboarding new employees.

The consequences are significant regrettable turnover within the first year of employment and low … [ Read more ]

Darren Lee, Mike Pino, Ann Johnston

Although an initiative should not rely solely on extrinsic motivation, that is, rewards and penalties (because they shift people’s motivation to the transactional side and thus diminish genuine interest in learning), keeping score can be useful in fostering spaced repetition. It represents a more “gamified” approach to daily life. Employees might thus earn points for making progress in gaining skills, perhaps redeemable as merchandise.

Darren Lee, Mike Pino, Ann Johnston

Many corporate learning and training efforts fall short because they stop at delivering knowledge — giving employees new information about digital trends and tools, for example, but no opportunities for using them. For example, a conventional course covering blockchain might require an essay or test that demonstrates that the student knows how a digital ledger works, why it requires a great deal of energy, and … [ Read more ]

Darren Lee, Mike Pino, Ann Johnston

The usual type of event-based learning, in which people are sent away to learn in training events, workshops, classes, or even hackathons, is so separated from the rest of their lives that it’s very difficult to carry the insights and skills from the sessions back into daily work. If the new skills are not practiced, they are lost.

A more effective model is continual learning: learning … [ Read more ]

5 Questions Every Onboarding Program Must Answer

From Gallup’s perspective, onboarding should do two important things:

  1. fulfill the promises made during the hiring process
  2. lay the foundation for long-term engagement and performance

So what aspects of onboarding are proven to lay the foundation for consistent high performance?

Here are the five questions every employee needs to have answered if they are to have an exceptional onboarding experience.

Revealing Leaders’ Blind Spots

There is very little overlap between the management areas leaders think they need to improve and the weaknesses identified by those they lead. Reconciling these differences will improve leaders and their organizations.