Innovators And Influencers 2001

This profile of new economy innovators and influencers includes: Vani Kola, RightWorks founder; Andreas Schmidt, president and CEO of Bertelsmann AG’s eCommerce Group; Stanford economist A. Michael Spence; Jayshree Ullal, general manager and VP of Cisco Systems’ switching group; Nancy Li, CEO iCan-ASP Inc. CA; Carolyn Osborne, founder of GoBeyond LLC; Rusty Braziel, founder and chairman of Altranet Technologies; David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue Airways; Elliot Masie, director of the Masie Group; Dave Hollander, XML co-inventor; Bill Glynn, VC; Donna Dubinsky; Harriet Edelman; Joe Forehand; and Aram Sinnreich.

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