Keyword Counter

What’s your competition doing right that you aren’t? The no-cost tool found at Keyword Counter allows you to compare your site’s keywords, metatags, alt tags and descriptions to a competitor’s to see how you stack up. Simply enter the two URLs for comparison and within seconds you will be served with a list of the top keywords found on the pages, including the number of times those words appear and their keyword density expressed as a percentage of the total word count. You’ll also receive a handy list of the metatags and descriptions as they appear on your competitor’s site. Another useful site,, offers a more detailed, no-cost analysis of a single keyword or phrase. This analysis includes a comparison of how “dense” that specific keyword is in your individual site profiles as found on AltaVista, Exite, Hotbot, Infoseek and Lycos. [WDFM Annotation]

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