Can Blockchain Manage Trust in Organizations

David De Cremer and Yan Pang illuminate both the limitations and the potential of blockchain technology as the new currency of trust in organizational life. They have found that building trust within organizations requires leaving room for vulnerability, which makes blockchain unsuitable. For building trust between organizations, however, blockchain technology shows more promise because it acts as a regulatory middleman.

The Five Cs Of Trust

Creating a high-trust environment isn’t easy, but applying these five principles on a day-to-day basis will get you there—and closer to real resiliency.

Building Trust Is a Blood Sport

Trust is seen by many managers as one of those soft issues best discussed in a sensitivity seminar. However, science clearly shows that a culture of trust stimulates productivity and innovation while also improving employee health and happiness. And after a decade of experiments, science also shows us how to build trust.

This article looks inside our heads to explain why trust is an effective means … [ Read more ]