Creating High-Performance Innovation Teams at Scale
For innovation initiatives to succeed, they must be staffed with the right combination of talent.
Content: Multimedia Content | Authors: Erik Roth, Matt Banholzer, Sean Brown | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Innovation, Organizational Behavior
How to Regulate Innovation — Without Killing It
Digital innovation is giving rise to new business models. Uber and Airbnb are household names today, when not so long ago we were all learning about the sharing economy. The regulations don’t always evolve as quickly as technological change — at least that’s the perception. So what should policy makers and regulators do? Wharton legal studies and business ethics professor Kevin Werbach recently shared his … [ Read more ]
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Kevin Werbach | Source: Knowledge@Wharton | Subjects: Innovation, Legal
Is Pay for Performance Detrimental to Innovation?
UCLA Anderson Professor Florian Ederer says that compensation packages should leave some room for experimentation and failure.
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Florian Ederer | Source: UCLA | Subject: Innovation
‘Originals’: How Anyone Can Become a Trailblazer
A new book by Wharton management professor Adam Grant challenges our assumptions about what it takes to generate and champion original ideas in ourselves and others. In Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, Grant reveals what we can learn from entrepreneurs and other trailblazers to help us think differently and to make our voices heard.
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Adam Grant | Source: Knowledge@Wharton | Subjects: Innovation, Personal Development
The Five Lenses: Creating Ideas that Win
Finding new opportunities can be one of the biggest challenges for left-brained leaders of companies. That’s because many companies rely on a traditional brainstorming process that might yield hundreds of small ideas, but few that evolve into ventures worth exploring. In this brief audio presentation, Bain Partner James Allen discusses a different approach that companies are using to identify promising ideas and turn them into … [ Read more ]
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: James Allen | Source: Bain & Company | Subjects: Innovation, Management
Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators
In The Innovator’s DNA, co-authors Jeffrey Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and Clayton Christensen built on what is known about disruptive innovation to show how individuals can develop the skills necessary to move from idea to impact. Through their research on the world’s best innovators these authors have identified five key skills that differentiate great innovators.
In this interactive Harvard Business Review webinar, Dyer describes these five key … [ Read more ]
Content: Multimedia Content | Authors: Angelia Herrin, Jeffrey Dyer | Source: Harvard Business Review | Subject: Innovation
Neil Gaiman Addresses the University of the Arts Class of 2012
This commencement speech by Neil Gaiman is mandatory listening for anyone who hopes to be creatively successful. [Hat tip to Tim Ferriss]
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Neil Gaiman | Subjects: Innovation, Personal Development
Innovation and Corporate Culture
Professor Rajesh Chandy explains why corporate culture is the key to innovation.
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Rajesh Chandy | Source: London Business School | Subject: Innovation
Remaining Innovative Through Good and Bad Times
Rajesh Chandy, Professor of Marketing and Tony and Maureen Wheeler Chair in Entrepreneurship discusses why managers need to focus on the future in order to help an organization remain innovative through difficult and prosperous times.
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Rajesh Chandy | Source: London Business School | Subjects: Innovation, Management, Organizational Behavior
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers — and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling. [Hat tip to Brad Feld]
Content: Multimedia Content | Author: Simon Sinek | Source: TED Conferences LLC | Subjects: Innovation, Organizational Behavior, Personal Development