Sample Size Calculator

How many people do you need to survey in order to generate a meaningful result? This Sample Size Calculator will help you find out. Let’s say you have 10,000 customers and you’d like to determine with a 95% confidence level how they will react to your new pricing plan, with a confidence interval of 4% (meaning results will be indicative, plus or minus 4%, of the entire population, ie. your customer base). See, you’re learning already. According to this calculator, you will need a sample size of 566 responses to gauge feedback to your desired degree of accuracy. There is also a calculator that will help you find the confidence interval of a survey already taken based on the number of respondents, total population and percentage of respondents who picked a specific answer. This handy tool is presented as a public service by Creative Research Systems. You’ll find helpful articles on statistical significance and survey design at the site as well. [WDFM Annotation]

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