The Ten-Day MBA : A Step-By-Step Guide to Mastering the Skills Taught in America’s Top Business Schools

Silbiger, who is both an MBA and a CPA, aims to give the reader 40 percent of a two-year MBA program in ten days–a chapter per day. Whether or not one agrees with his premise, this book will prove to be a handy desk reference for potential and current MBAs, along with business people in general. Written in a clear and lively style, the ten chapters provide a basic framework for the essential business courses: marketing, ethics, accounting, organizational behavior, quantitative analysis, finance, operations, economics, and strategy. Each chapter outlines the topics to be covered and ends with “key takeaways”–the buzzwords and theories the text has described–defined in a line or two. A useful lexicon of abbreviations leads the reader back to the explanation of each concept.
– Mary Chatfield, Angelo State Univ. Lib., San Angelo, Tex.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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