Dean Rieck, copywriter, designer, author and consultant, created this site to promote his services and in the process presents lots of great information on direct marketing and copywriting. His tips and advice are good reminders of the elements to cover when putting together a direct marketing campaign.
The “Universal Advertising and Marketing Questionnaire” is a checklist of 32 items to keep in mind when developing direct mail materials. Do be sure to review the “12 Fast Fixes to Boost Mail Response” before you finalize the project. There are lots of other good tips to be found, and you can always stop by the “Postal Experiments” section for a good laugh. [WDFM annotation]
Editor’s Note: I read through most of the articles on this site and I specifically recommend:
– 99 Direct Mail Resolutions
– 12 Fast Fixes to Boost Mail Response
– Headline Writing Basics: What Every Headline Should Do and 9 Proven Ways to Do It
– Discovering Direct Response Radio: 15 Tips for Writing Ads that Work
– Universal Advertising and Marketing Questionnaire
– Dean’s List of Proven Offers
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