America’s Favorite Fast Food Chains, And Who’s Visiting Them
The Hershey Company: Aligning Inside to Win on the Outside
Changes in the marketplace, if not monitored, can cause serious losses in profit, market share, and in stakeholders’ confidence. Such was the case with one of the most celebrated American companies, Hershey’s. When the company failed to keep its ear to the ground and eye on the ball it lost touch with consumers and retailers. A shift in the company’s focus and a re-alignment of … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Author: Rick Kash | Source: Ivey Business Journal | Subjects: Management, Marketing / Sales, Operations, Strategy | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: Hershey’s
The Business of Candy
US Private-Label Food Market Grows 60% Since 2003
The Business of Barbecue
Global Fish Catch is Levelling Off
Booze: Who’s Drinking What Where
Alcohol Sales, Volume Up Eighth Year in a Row; Exports at Record Levels
Supermarket Store Brand Sales
Watch Out, Coke and Pepsi – Here Comes Wahaha
Wahaha, whose main products are milk drinks, bottled water and mixed congee, is the number one beverage company in China, with revenues of 11.4 billion yuan ($1.37 billion) and profits of 1.35 billion yuan ($162.7 million) in 2004. The company was started in 1987 by Zong Qinghou, its 60-year-old chairman and CEO. In an interview with Wharton marketing professor John Zhang, Zong talks about his … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: John Zhang, Zong Qinghou | Source: Knowledge@Wharton | Subjects: Industry Specific, International – Asia | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: Wahaha
Inside Kraft’s leadership corridor
The true test of any company’s leadership development is the caliber and depth of its senior management ranks.Yet so often we hear CEOs complain that they just don’t have enough talent on the bench. The problem is that traditional management development remains too far removed from the day-to-day realities of business. A few companies have pioneered effective approaches. Consider the tack taken by Kraft Foods. … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: Marcia Blenko, Vijay Vishwanath | Sources: Bain & Company, Leader to Leader | Subjects: Human Resources, Management | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: Kraft Foods Inc.
How Coca-Cola Became ‘The Real Thing’ in India
Emerging markets are enticing to companies because of the growth potential they present. But when cultural, economic, and logistical issues arise, survival in these markets is often a challenge. Recently, Stan Sthanunathan, vice president of Knowledge & Insights with The Coca-Cola Company, spoke to MBA students in a global business environments course at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School about the intricacies of doing business in … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Source: Knowledge@Emory | Subjects: International, Marketing / Sales | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: The Coca-Cola Company
Fast Food Fight
U.S. Sake Market
A wholesale shift in European groceries
European grocers could satisfy their appetite for growth-if they knew where to look.
Content: Case Study | Authors: Dieter Messner, Javier Castrillo, Jose Manuel Martinez | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Industry Specific, International – Europe | Industry: Food Products/Service
European Wholesale Food and Drink Market
Cadbury Schweppes (A): The Strategic Dilemma of Trebor Bassett; Cadbury Schweppes (B): Managing for Value; Cadbury Schweppes
Value Based Management is often thought of from strictly a financial perspective. In this Case Study series about a VBM initiative at Cadbury Schweppes, the authors show that managing for value is 80% about people and only 20% about numbers.
The series traces the origins of the initiative starting in 1996 and follows its progression through to 2002, showing the benefits, limitations, time frames, and … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: Fares Boulos, Marjolein Bloemhof, Philippe Haspeslagh, Regine Slagmulder, Tomo Nodo | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: Finance, Organizational Behavior | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: Cadbury Schweppes
Interbrew’s IPO
In January 2001 the CEO of Interbrew received what was likely the worst news of his career. With the ink on the company’s Initial Public Offering still wet, the British Government announced it was rescinding Interbrew’s €3.68 billion takeover of Bass Brewers, a deal it had affected just four months prior and which served as a selling point in its recent IPO. François de Breteuil … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: François de Breteuil, Herwig Langohr | Source: INSEAD | Subject: Finance | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: Interbrew
This Case Study examines how ChateauOnline took its wine e-tailing model from promising and well-publicized beginnings in cyberspace and then met the challenge of negotiating the complexities of a less propitious climate in a highly fragmented market. It explains how this young company developed a viable, sustainable and profitable business at a time when other start up competitors were collapsing as a result of financing … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: David Midgley, Matti Snall, Timothy Devinney | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: IT / Technology / E-Business, Strategy | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: ChateauOnline