MBA Buzz

MBA Buzz was founded by a group of MBA students and graduates who decided it would be cool to create technologies and a community that would help make the application process as transparent as possible. Hey, we were once in your shoes, and know what its like to apply to schools.

Below is a brief overview of current tools:
* PLOTTER – plot out MBA applicants by school, and organize them by round, status, age, GPA, etc. Each data point is clickable and will take you to the user profile
* PROFILES – Create your own user profile. Let everyone know how you are doing. Receive and send private messages. Visitors can leave comments on your profile page and you can keep track of your other applicants via buzzmates!
* BUZZMATES – Track your friends or those folks you are interested in within your profile. You can automatically see how they progress and keep a bookmark on them to make it easy for you to reach out and communicate
* FORUMS – Forums organized by school
* BLOGS – we are building the largest repository of MBA blogs on the internet. We index, and provide live feeds to all posts. Our blogs are categorized by school, making it easy for you to skim and see what’s happening in the MBA blogosphere!
* BUZZ RANKINGS – We provide our own rankings, based on the popularity of users who post to the plotter.

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