Leading from Character Strength: Finding Your “Just Right” Character Strength and Virtuous Behavior Mode
Leaders need to examine their effectiveness at managing virtuous behavior to add value to organizations. Virtuousness is not only important from a humanistic point of view in workplace settings, but helps drive important organizational outcomes.
Editor’s Note: this article is much better than the description indicates. It offers a methodology for both analyzing your strengths (the well-known VIA survey) and making sure that you are … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Charles D. Kerns, Ph.D. | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Leadership, Management, Organizational Behavior, Personal Development
Justice in Ethics Programs: What are the issues to consider in developing ethics programs?
Ethics programs have arisen in response to the public’s outcry over the perceived unethical behavior of American business. The rapid response in the establishment of ethics programs is encouraging, though interesting issues have emerged that merit discussion.
Content: Article | Author: Jere E. Yates | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Ethics
Moving from Misuse to Bricolage: Finding Innovation from Customer “Misbehavior”
Innovation can be defined as a process whereby ideas are transformed into new or improved products, services, or processes to solve practical problems and meet needs or to advance, compete, and differentiate organizations in the marketplace. In today’s world of increasing complexity, to compete effectively it is imperative that corporations explore ways to foster new ideas such as increasing their sources through loose ties to … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Kalle Lyytinen, Marty Abbott, Michael Fisher | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Customer Related, Innovation
The Ethics of Ethics Programs
In response to society’s demand for a stronger emphasis on business ethics, in light of recent publicity concerning unethical business practices, and in trying to be in compliance with new federal and state regulatory laws, many businesses have created or strengthened ethics programs. These programs are most effective when they flow out of a culture that values practicing business legally and ethically. However, there are … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Jere E. Yates | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Ethics
Beyond the Numbers: Seven Stakeholders to Consider in Improving Acquisition Outcomes
Considering and enlisting stakeholders becomes important to achieve success for any acquisition. Acquisitions are generally assumed to be objective, or focused on the numbers. Consistent with this perspective, synergy is the most common justification for acquisition activity. Achieving synergy involves integrating firms to produce a combined performance greater than what was achieved independently. An implicit challenge then is to coordinate the efforts of groups with … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: David R. King, Richard W. Taylor | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Mergers & Acquisitions
FOR SALE BY OWNER for Less than It Is Worth
What accounts for owners selling items for more or less than they are worth? Do sellers and buyers see the value of an item in the same way? Can a third-party agent impact the selling price of an item to net the seller a higher profit? The following article explores these questions with some surprising answers.
Content: Article | Authors: Aaron R. Brough, Mathew S. Isaac | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Marketing / Sales
Revenue Generated by U.S. Universities from Technology Licensing
Achieving Enterprise Stability Based on Economic Capital
In a highly competitive environment, companies can focus too much attention on maximizing profits in the short term, while neglecting basic principles of the risk management process. Many bankruptcies, including those of big and successful companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), have stemmed from a failure to plan for the downside of risk. Enterprise stability and a company’s chance for survival can … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Zbigniew Krysiak PhD | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Risk Management
Creating Advocates: A Values-Oriented Approach to Developing Brand Loyalty
How does an aspiring entrepreneur or brand manager ignite the passion in their customer base that leads to an emotional connection? The key is a congruence of values. When a customer finds a brand that shares or aligns with their own values, the connection begins. In its mature state, it can be described as a deep and lasting bond between what the company stands for … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Craig Wilson, Michael Crooke | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Customer Related, Marketing / Sales
Financial Elements of Business Resilience
In order to deal with business fluctuations, efforts to develop strategic resilience should extend to financial decision making, approached in a systematic manner.
Content: Article | Authors: Dillard Tinsley, Garland Simmons | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Finance
The ABC’s of Effective Feedback
This article presents a model for engaging in a feedback-related conversation effectively across a variety of settings. It is based upon the authors’ extensive readings and research. The model outlines a three-step process whereby the mnemonic ABC represents each of the critical stages.
Content: Article | Authors: Edward H. Rockey, Ph.D., Steven M. Sommer | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Management, Organizational Behavior
Real Options: The Value Added through Optimal Decision Making
One of the primary responsibilities of a management team is to make decisions during the execution of projects so that gains are maximized and losses are minimized. Decision analysis is especially critical for projects with built-in flexibility, or options. This article explores how merging decision analysis with the well-known principles used in valuing options on financially traded assets can be further enhanced by applying an … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Luiz E. Brando PhD, Warren J. Hahn PE PhD | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Finance, Management
10 Lessons for Entrepreneurs
This article culls the top 10 lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, based on the author’s research and hands-on experience starting two companies. The author lends support to some previous findings, but also identifies additional factors that provide valuable input.
Content: Article | Author: Michael Davis, Ph.D. | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Entrepreneurship
Strategies for Leading through Times of Change
Leading change is difficult. Therefore, much is written on the topic. This article is based on a study that took the unique approach of listening to stories from leaders in a variety of sizes and types of organizations and documenting their recurring, successful solutions to common problems found in change initiatives. Their strategies, or “patterns,” provide a resource for anyone who struggles with introducing a … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Linda Rising PhD, Mary Lynn Manns PhD | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Change Management, Leadership
Financial Swiss Army Knife: A User-Friendly Tool for Facilitating Financial Analysis and Due Diligence
This valuable tool can serve as both a translator of complex financial information and an indicator of opportunities for enhancing financial performance.
Content: Article | Author: John Scully PhD | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Finance
IT-Enabled Information Transparency: A Strategic Approach
Since the advent of the Internet, firms have enjoyed unprecedented flexibility to reveal information to competitors, customers, and suppliers. In this new technological environment, firms can implement transparency strategies by using information strategically to compete. In the online travel sector, for example, the business strategy of meta-search travel agents like Kayak is to provide a comprehensive view of products and prices to travelers. Other companies, … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Nelson Granados PhD | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: IT / Technology / E-Business
The Human Realities of Corporate Downsizing
Every corporate downsizing event has certain predictable outcomes such as feelings of betrayal, loss of trust, turf battles, and cynicism about the corporation’s future. This typically leads to a widespread lack of commitment throughout the organization. But downsizing can also bring significant opportunities for creating new energy and enthusiasm which often go unrecognized.
Content: Article | Author: Wayne L. Strom | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Human Resources
Top 10 U.S. Economic Items to Monitor
A controversial look at today’s economy and the issues to consider in planning for the future and for retirement.
Content: Article | Author: Darrol J. Stanley | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subject: Economics
Whither Now Dow?
Day-traders might say the Dow’s direction depends on the morning’s news. Pundits may cite the next winner of the Super Bowl or the political party of the next elected president. Fundamental analysts might say it depends on earnings growth. The DJIA is swayed both by economic and non-economic factors. This article estimates what portion of the Dow is economically driven and what portion is not … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Bruce Samuelson PhD | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Economics, Finance
Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
Whether we are dealing with business, global diplomacy, or family matters, we are all perplexed by the complexity of ethics in negotiation. This article introduces a simple, straightforward exercise that can lead to very meaningful discussions regarding ethics, negotiation tactics, and the ramifications and effectiveness of the implementation of those tactics and ethical decisions.
Content: Article | Author: Michael B. Rainey, J.D. | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Ethics, Negotiation