Most any email marketing service provider worth its salt will allow you to track and analyze the success of your email marketing programs. However, comparing yourself to yourself can only get you so far. This site is full of email performance factoids from every study under the sun (you know, the ones you’ve been meaning to read for ages). All factoids are organized by subject from authentication to whitepapers. For example, in the “Newsletter” category we learned from usability expert Jakob Nielson that the average time allocated to a newsletter after opening is 51 seconds. In the “From Line” category we learned that 73% of email recipients make the decision to click on the “report sp@m” or “j/nk” button using the from line information (Email Sender and Provider Coalition). Stats like these can give you new ideas about what to measure and a benchmark for your own email marketing performance rating. The site is part of the international Email Experience Council organization. [WDFM Annotation]

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