A New Role for Business Leaders: Moral Integrator

With stakeholders and shareholders vying for attention, CEOs need to develop a new kind of ethical leadership to build trust in society and deliver results.

Three Metrics for Measuring PR Campaign and Marcomms Success

From marketing managers to sales teams to the C-suite, many stakeholders feel the benefits of successful PR campaigns—and use the metrics that measure success to adapt business strategies or make more data-driven decisions.

However, almost half of B2B marketing managers claim that determining real business contribution levels from PR agencies is a difficult task. Much more can be done to measure the success of media campaigns, … [ Read more ]

The Right Way for Companies to Publicize Their Social Responsibility Efforts

It’s a common complaint. Companies keep trying to show the world that they are socially conscious and keep losing the battle. A major reason companies don’t get credit for their good works is they employ a one-size-fits-all strategy to communicating their efforts, while what’s needed are focused messages that matter to each of their four different audiences:

  1. Corporate watchdogs such as social media activists, NGOs,

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Pitching Practice: Public Relations Launch Checklist for Early Stage Startup Founders

I get a lot of people asking me about PR, and how to achieve coverage, especially around a launch or announcement.

At the end of the day, it’s not a big mystery. It’s a B2B sales campaign, where you have a qualified, relevant list of targets (media list), a means by which to reach them (email addresses), a coherent argument for why what you’re doing is … [ Read more ]

How To Get Media Coverage For Your Startup: A Complete Guide

Leo Widrich, co-founder of Buffer, shares his experiences with getting media coverage for a startup, though much of the advice is useful for any stage of corporate life.

10 Questions To Ask A PR Firm Before Signing A Contract

Think about the last great article you read. The piece may have mentioned a few products or companies—possibly prompting you to research them in more depth. Chances are, a public relations firm was behind that placement.

Editorial placements can turn into big business for companies of any size, giving organizations a credibility lacking in traditional advertisements.

If you’re looking for a PR firm, here are 10 questions … [ Read more ]

How to Capture Your Company’s Essence in 15 Words

Use the principles in this article to tighten and fine-tune your company description, and test it with prospects. See what they conclude about which problems you solve and for whom. When they answer correctly, you’ll know you hit the nail on the head.

The Science of Spin

Communications consultant Alan Kelly has spent the past several years analyzing the various PR moves employed by companies, politicians, and executives. He has created an interactive table of PR “plays”or moves.

Jason Calacanis On How To Get PR For Your Startup: Fire Your PR Company

For over 10 years Jason Calacanis (founder of Silicon Alley Reporter, Weblogs, and Mahalo) has been the subject of many new stories. He’s also been a reporter on the other side of the table. As a result, he feels that he has learned a lot about how the PR and the press works–especially in the technology business. His philosophy of PR is summed up in … [ Read more ]

Handling Media Inquiries

Effectively fielding questions from the press can really help your organization boost its public image, while failing to cooperate can sometimes be disastrous. Before the journalists come calling, develop a strategy for how you will handle media inquires.

Conflict is Key

Of all the outside firms that entrepreneurs employ, PR firms probably have the toughest time getting–and staying–in their clients’ good graces. Some companies feel they aren’t getting as much media play as they deserve, while others think they’re garnering the wrong kind of attention. Meanwhile, the cost-benefit analysis for public relations is pretty hard to calculate. We thought it would be interesting to get a … [ Read more ]

Treating Investors Like Customers

Recent financial scandals have created a crisis in the relations between public companies and their investors. Companies need to find ways to restore their credibility and reconnect with their investor base. Paradoxically, most good companies already have the right analytical tools at hand. Seen from the perspective of the financial markets, a company’s ultimate product is its equity. So, companies need to start applying to … [ Read more ]

There’s a Reporter on Line One: Four Foolproof Tips for Talking to Media

We all want press coverage. We all have visions of the rest of the world valuing us, our companies, and our contributions.

But what happens when a reporter really is on line one? A blessed few can pick up the phone and say brilliant things. The vast majority of us panic.

How’s your integration going?

The merger is done and it should be time to sit back and relax a bit. Now management is busy putting the new company together and everything is on track. Trouble is, management, your board, and Wall Street may not take your word for it. Booz Allen Hamilton’s Gerald Adolph writes in Corporate Dealmaker magazine that determining how to measure merger success should be part … [ Read more ]

Guidelines For Measuring Relationships in Public Relations

During the past few years, a number of academicians have been seeking ways of more effectively determining the overall value of PR, not only to organizations in particular, but also to society in general. Two academicians who have played a leading role in this area have been Dr. Linda Childers Hon of the University of Florida and Dr. James E. Grunig of the University of … [ Read more ]

How to Measure Blogs and Other Consumer Generated Media and What to Do With the Data Once You Have It

The problem with measuring blogs is not how to do it, but rather that the nature of blogs renders management impossible. This paper looks at both the tools and techniques that can be used to get a handle on this phenomenon, and provides advice to communications professional on what to do with the data once they have it. This article describes the basic structure of … [ Read more ]

Media Relations 101

risis communication is essential, but it is only an adjunct, not a substitute for consistent and persistent communications with the organization’s various key constituents, day in and day out. Some of the essential steps to good press relations include: ability, anticipate, accuracy, appearance, attention etc. This article discusses do and don’ts of medis relations in detail. [BNET Annotation]

The New Rules of PR

The Web has changed the rules for press releases. The thing is, most old-line PR professionals just don’t know it yet.

Press Releases for Every Occasion

There’s a part of the PR puzzle that even savvy publicity-seekers sometimes miss — you can’t just write “a press release”, you have to write the right kind of press release. There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” release. Smart publicists have variations of the press release model ready to be go, depending on the occasion.