MIT Sloan Teaching Innovation Resources (MSTIR)

MIT Sloan Teaching Innovation Resources (MSTIR) is a collection of teaching materials, including case studies, simulations, deep dives, and industry, business and country overviews that MIT Sloan provides as a free teaching resource open and available to the world. Similar to the course syllabi and materials found on MIT’s OpenCourseWare site, these materials carry a creative commons license allowing them to be downloaded, copied and distributed.

The various materials posted on this site have been developed by MIT Sloan faculty and students. Although the collection covers a wide array of companies and organizations, industries, and geographies, it focuses on areas in which MIT Sloan’s innovative research and teaching are on the cutting edge and for which teaching materials are not as widely available as in more standard areas of management. These areas currently include sustainability, industry evolution, and global entrepreneurship.

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