Rick Sidorowicz

High performance is not about telling or selling or dictating or mandating anything. It’s about clarifying, engaging and applying the talent of people. And to do that, your work has to be about having conversations about who you are, what you are up to and what you want to achieve.

Marcia Xenitelis

Unless employees truly understand the issues [that affect the business] and make a meaningful connection between their jobs and those issues, their attitudes and behaviors will not change. To achieve engagement, three things have to happen: The business issue has to mean something to the employee personally, the employee has to understand the issue (and I mean truly understand it, not just read about why … [ Read more ]

Are Your Communication Strategies Really Engaging Employees?

The frequency at which the word “engagement” appears in any discussion about employee communication has begun to make me wonder whether we clearly understand what the term means. As communicators we have the opportunity to become creative in how we communicate and engage employees. The ultimate aim in employee communication has to be to create the “Aha!” moment. This is the moment when employees have … [ Read more ]

Helping Successful People get Even Better

In my role as an executive coach, I am asked to work with extremely successful people who want to get even better. They are usually key executives in major corporations. They are almost always very intelligent, dedicated and persistent. They are committed to the success of their companies. They have high personal integrity. Many are financially independent. They are … [ Read more ]

Marshall Goldsmith

One of the great false assumptions in leadership development is, “if they understand, they will do”. If this were true, everyone who understood the importance of going on a healthy diet and exercising would be in shape.

Charles Handy, Marshall Goldsmith

As Charles Handy has pointed out, the “paradox of success” occurs because we need to change before we have to change. However, “when things are going well we feel no reason to change.”

Marshall Goldsmith

“Superstitious behavior” is merely the confusion of correlation and causality. Many leaders get positive reinforcement for the results that occur. They then assume that their behavior is what helped lead to these results. Just as successful athletes believe in “lucky” numbers or perform “rituals” before a contest, successful business leaders tend to repeat behaviors that are followed by rewards. They may … [ Read more ]

Marshall Goldsmith

Successful people will almost always respond constructively to advice and input when they are involved in selecting the behaviors and selecting the advisors. By making the process confidential (not identifying raters), people will tend to focus on what they need to improve, not who did the rating. It is hard to deny the validity of items that we say are important as evaluated … [ Read more ]

Marshall Goldsmith

When successful people write down goals, announce these goals to respected colleagues and involve the colleagues in helping them improve (in a supportive way), positive measurable change is much more likely to occur.

Marshall Goldsmith

Successful people are much more likely to change by envisioning a positive future than by reliving a humiliating past. Proving that a successful person was “wrong” is often a counter-productive waste of time. Successful people respond well to getting ideas and suggestions for the future that are aimed at helping them achieve their goals.

Edward Teller

A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty. A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe. It is guilty, until found effective.

H.L. Mencken

The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind.

Building Better Organizational Networks

We all use Networks to communicate instructions, ideas and to share knowledge. We have Networks of friends, career advisors, co-workers, clubs, teaching mentors etc. And experience suggests that it is Networks within an Enterprise that get things done rather than simple reliance on the organization chart.

A. A. Vandegrift

Positions are seldom lost because they have been destroyed, but almost invariably because the leader has decided in his own mind that the position cannot be held.

Organisational Transformation requires Strategists and Magicians

This paper explores the proposition that many senior managers lack the capacity to conceive, plan and implement change to a degree which is transformational, that this has to do with the meaning-making structure of the manager, and that as this capacity is able to be developed, it is possible for managers to embark on a type of learning which will enable them to purposefully create … [ Read more ]

33 Myths

Here are 33 traditional and voguish beliefs that, on the basis of their research, the authors of The Enthusiastic Employee say have little or no basis in reality. These beliefs, covering a variety of areas, are widespread and, when applied to the typical employee and work situation, are wrong. They also often contradict each other, as “common sense” beliefs often do.

Try Feedforward instead of Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback has long been considered to be an essential skill for leaders. As they strive to achieve the goals of the organization, employees need to know how they are doing. They need to know if their performance is what their leaders expect from them and, if not, they need suggestions on how to improve it. Traditionally, this information has … [ Read more ]

Understanding Risk: A Core Competency of Leaders

How can today’s leaders become more adept at predicting, assessing and managing risk? The answer lies in enhancing one’s risk intelligence – reducing uncertainty by making strategic choices based on knowledge developed through observation, exploration, learning and sharing.

Jim Murray

It is far more productive to study human behavior – why people do the things they do – and to seek benefit from the learning than it is to try to fight it.