It turns out that our brains are wired to critique situations. And so if we’ve got a global economic downturn and the salesforce has really been hit hard by this, we’ll tend to focus on the people that are doing the worst and try to coach them and help them out. What we don’t often do is look at the best people and steal their ideas.
And so I think — you know, plagiarism is only penalized when we’re in school. After that, you can borrow and steal ideas. And we’re not talking [IT] here, but we’re talking: If somebody has a great idea in your salesforce, why not roll that out to the other salespeople so that they have the benefits of having that pitch or that idea or that angle for a customer? I think we don’t do that nearly enough. We don’t do it in education. We don’t do it in nonprofits. We always try to rediscover things. The advantage that we have with bright spots is that you can take the best of what’s already been discovered.
Author: Chip Heath
Source: Stanford University
Subjects: Best Practices, Marketing / Sales
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