Jeffrey Schwartz, Josie Thomson, Art Kleiner

The dynamics of any large organization — indeed, any complex human endeavor — are rife with unacknowledged interpersonal tensions, seemingly arbitrary restrictions, and murky priorities. As a young manager, you may find it hard to be heard or be taken seriously. Later, you may be given opportunities to solve problems, but without the authority (over staff and budget, for example) that the task would demand. Eventually, you’ll get authority, but your “mojo” (as business educator and author Marshall Goldsmith calls it) may wane as your responsibilities increase. And at the end of your career, notwithstanding your long string of accomplishments, you may get the sense that others are eager to push you out the door. In all these cases, whatever your job description may include, the hardest part of the job is to manage yourself: to develop your own perspective in the service of larger goals as well as your own.

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