How to Design a Better Hiring Process

The standard interview is a tradition of sorts that has been passed down from one generation to another. But, as we discovered through our own missteps, it is unreliable. Behavioral questions might be useful for testing someone’s ability to relay biographical information. However, unless storytelling or some equivalent skill is a requirement of the position being filled, they often fail to reveal sufficient information about a candidate’s competencies.

My team and I have spent the last five years trying to address this issue. Through trial and error, we have used our own experiences, as well as the most recent research available, to create a process that immerses job candidates in unconventional scenarios to gather the most useful insights about their critical-thinking abilities, tech savviness, and interpersonal skills.

Given how expensive hiring is, and the fact that only around a third of U.S. companies monitor their practices, our approach may help organizations save both time and money by finding the right people for the right roles. Here is how it works.

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