Research Hacks to Help You Negotiate Anything
Even zero-sum negotiations can turn into a win-win.
Content: Article | Author: Alena Komaromi | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
What 124 Sets of Twins Teach Us About Negotiation
Individuality matters in negotiation, research conducted at an annual national twins festival suggests.
Historically, negotiators have been seen as economically rational individuals acting in ways meant simply to maximize their outcomes, but the new research challenges this view.
“No matter how good you are at negotiating, there are some opponents you will have an easy time with and some with you you’ll have a lousy time.”
Content: Article | Authors: Brandie Jefferson, Hillary Anger Elfenbein | Source: | Subject: Negotiation
The Four Horsemen of Negotiator Power
To maximize their success at the bargaining table, negotiators should maximize their power.
Content: Article | Authors: Adam Galinsky, Joe Magee, Michael Schaerer | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
How You Can Become a Better Negotiator
We all have to negotiate in life, whether it’s asking for a bigger raise, nailing down details of a contract or even getting your kids to do their homework. But how does one become a good negotiator? Attorney and negotiating strategist Corey Kupfer shares the tips in his book, Authentic Negotiating: Clarity, Detachment, & Equilibrium — The Three Keys to True Negotiating Success & How … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Corey Kupfer | Source: Knowledge@Wharton | Subject: Negotiation
Life Is Negotiation: Field-Tested Techniques in Emotional Intelligence and Tactical Empathy from an FBI Negotiator
Erase everything you’ve been taught about negotiation. You are not rational; there is no such thing as ‘fair’; compromise is the worst thing you can do; the real art of negotiation lies in mastering the intricacies of No, not Yes. I guarantee if you erase everything you think you know about negotiation and apply these methods in your next conversation, you’ll walk away surprised at … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Chris Voss | Source: ChangeThis | Subject: Negotiation
How Do You Grade Out as a Negotiator?
Most negotiation training focuses on what happens before and during the talks. Michael Wheeler’s new app helps users improve their skills after the deal is completed.
Content: Article | Authors: Michael Blanding, Michael Wheeler | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Negotiating the Cultural Minefield
In cross-cultural negotiations, be aware of cultural differences but don’t feel you have to adapt your behavior.
Content: Article | Author: Horacio Falcao | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subjects: International, Negotiation
The Seven Myths of Win-Win Negotiation
It sounds fine on the face of it, but not everyone will get what they want and this is more likely to happen to you if you fail to spot the traps.
Content: Article | Author: Horacio Falcao | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
How to Spot a Liar
Key linguistic cues can help reveal dishonesty during business negotiations, whether it’s a flat-out lie or a deliberate omission of key information, according to research by Lyn M. Van Swol, Michael T. Braun, and Deepak Malhotra.
Content: Article | Author: Carmen Nobel | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: Negotiation, Organizational Behavior
When Threats Are Better Than Anger
Conventional wisdom about showing anger in negotiations is sometimes contradictory: You should hide your true feelings behind a poker face, some say. Others recommend acting angry even if you’re not, as lawyers often do. New findings from negotiation researchers, however, reveal that both bits of advice are too simplistic, and they suggest a more effective tactic for tough negotiations would be making overt, well-timed threats. … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Margaret Neale | Source: Stanford University | Subject: Negotiation
The Art of Haggling
When teaching negotiation skills, many educators now focus almost exclusively on an interest-based approach in which both parties openly collaborate to find a mutually satisfying solution. However, argues HBS Professor Mike Wheeler, it’s important for students to know that there’s still a time and place for old-school haggling.
Content: Article | Author: Katie Johnston | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Too Much Information Clouds Negotiators’ Judgments
Most of us use information we have about another party to reach agreement when negotiating. But recent Stanford Graduate School of Business research warns that knowing our negotiation partners too well or having the wrong kind of information about them can actually produce less successful negotiating results than having no information.
Content: Article | Source: Stanford University | Subject: Negotiation
Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
Whether we are dealing with business, global diplomacy, or family matters, we are all perplexed by the complexity of ethics in negotiation. This article introduces a simple, straightforward exercise that can lead to very meaningful discussions regarding ethics, negotiation tactics, and the ramifications and effectiveness of the implementation of those tactics and ethical decisions.
Content: Article | Author: Michael B. Rainey, J.D. | Source: Graziadio Business Report | Subjects: Ethics, Negotiation
How to Negotiate Effectively
There is no shortage of expert opinion on how to negotiate, as a quick scan of any bookstore’s shelves will reveal. Some of that advice is valuable, but much of it is simply not practical. Too often, what negotiation gurus are really saying is that you have to be a particular kind of person: thick-skinned and supremely confident, afraid of nothing, and with a big-picture … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Robb Mandelbaum | Source: Inc. Magazine | Subject: Negotiation
When Negotiating, Always Listen Before You Speak
It pays to find out what the other side is thinking, then adjust your position accordingly.
Content: Article | Author: Norm Brodsky | Source: Inc. Magazine | Subject: Negotiation
Assess, Don’t Assume, Part I: Etiquette and National Culture in Negotiation
When facing a cross-border negotiation, the standard preparatory assessments—of the parties, their interests, their no-deal options, opportunities for and barriers to creating and claiming value, the most promising sequence and process design, etc.— should be informed and modified by two classes of potentially relevant cross-border factors, the general and the negotiation-specific. Drawing on considerable literature in cross-border and cross-cultural negotiation, this paper develops the … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: James K. Sebenius | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) | Subjects: International, Negotiation
Assess, Don’t Assume, Part II: Negotiating Implications of Cross-Border Differences in Decision Making, Governance, and Political Economy
When facing a negotiation that crosses national borders and/or cultures, the standard preparatory assessments—of the parties, their interests, their no-deal options, opportunities for and barriers to creating and claiming value, the most promising sequence and process design, etc.—should be informed and modified by potentially relevant factors. Drawing on considerable literature in cross-border and cross-cultural negotiation, a two-paper series develops a four-level prescriptive framework for effectively … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: James K. Sebenius | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) | Subjects: International, Negotiation
The New Deal: Negotiauctions
Whether negotiating to purchase a company or a house, dealmaking is becoming more complex. Harvard Business School professor Guhan Subramanian sees a new form arising, part negotiation, part auction. Call it the negotiauction. Here’s how to play the game.
Content: Article | Author: Guhan Subramanian | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Seeing Eye to Eye in Business Negotiations
With expressions like ‘out of sight, out of mind’, one would make a natural assumption that there’s a lot to be gained from direct face-to-face communication. However, according to Roderick Swaab, Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD, being able to see others and making eye contact may not always be the best thing.
Content: Article | Author: Roderick Swaab | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Not-So-Small Talk
A successful deal may hinge on the ability to create trust — or uncover deception.
Content: Article | Author: Alix Nyberg Stuart | Source: CFO Publishing | Subjects: Negotiation, Organizational Behavior