This site, the brainchild of Michael Jung, Peter Senge, Claus Otto Sharmer, and Ikujiro Nonaka, is intended to be a place where thought leaders and practitioners could engage in ongoing conversation about and inquiry into the deeper foundations of leadership and change in an increasingly confusing and volatile world. The site offers transcripts of interviews with twenty-five of today’s leading thinkers on knowledge and leadership-inventors, entrepreneurs, scientists, academics, as well as an initial set of papers, including one that reflects on the themes that emerged in the first round of interviews. Interviews include:
W. Brian Arthur
Henri Bortoft
Master Nan Huai-Chin,
Jonathan Day
Arie De Geus
Ronald Heifetz
Joseph Jaworski
Hans Joas
Thomas Johnson
Michael Jung
John Kao
Robert Kegan
Prof. Thomas Malone
Ikujiro Nonaka
Ryosuke Ohashi
Wanda Orlikowski
Eleanor Rosch
Peter M. Senge
Rupert Sheldrake
Lucy Suchman
Francisco Varela
Georg Von Krogh
Jack Whalen
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