Leadership Ensemble: Lessons in Collaborative Management from the World-Famous Conductorless Orchestra

The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra was founded in 1972 in New York, designed to rely on the skills, abilities, and passionate commitment of its members rather than on the leadership of a conductor. Power, responsibility, and motivation rest entirely in the hands of the musicians. Jointly its members make the artistic decisions that are ordinarily the work of a conductor, and they participate in choosing the repertoire and creating the group’s programs. There are eight Orpheus principles: put power in the hands of the people doing the work, encourage individual responsibility, create clarity of roles, share and rotate leadership, foster horizontal teamwork, learn to listen and talk, seek consensus, and dedicate passionately to your mission. The authors’ goal is to show business leaders in any industry how to use these principles in their companies. Each chapter focuses on one of the principles, and each ends with a five-step prescription for applying the relevant principle to a specific company and a warning about problems that may be encountered in doing so. George Cohen
Copyright © American Library Association.

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