Instead of asking [executive leadership team (ELT)] members to summarize how they are doing (which usually only yields positive reports), one CEO we know focuses the conversation on “What keeps you up at night?” At executive team meetings, she asks her direct reports to share their biggest challenges. Then as a team ELT members help one another by sharing ways they have successfully overcome such challenges. This approach encourages leaders deeper in the organization to ask the same question of their direct reports and of their peers. As a result, people raise concerns and surface problems earlier.
Content: Quotation
Authors: Deborah Lovich, Henning Streubel, Joseph Halverson, Robert Werner
Source: Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Subjects: Corporate Governance, Leadership, Management
Authors: Deborah Lovich, Henning Streubel, Joseph Halverson, Robert Werner
Source: Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Subjects: Corporate Governance, Leadership, Management
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