
With all the self-service resources available to direct marketers online, there’s no reason to ever leave your desk again. At MailersClub, you can design and order everything from postcards and self-mailers to a mailing list of targeted prospects. Digital printing technology eliminates the need for minimum quantities and set-up charges, which is a real cost-savings that technology has brought to the DM marketplace. After your mail piece is approved (proof approval is offered both online and via mail), MailersClub will print, fold, stuff, seal, address, sort and deliver your mail within three days. Who’s it going to? Rent a mailing list of prospects through partner If you provide your own list, MailersClub offers no-cost continuous list cleaning services as well. Not sure? Get a price quote before you start, or test out the service by uploading a previous mail piece to the site. They’ll print it and mail it to you for your review within 48 hours. BTW, you can also find low-cost, self-service business printing options at VistaPrint (MailersClub
Subjects: Industry Specific, Marketing / Sales
Industry: Direct Marketing

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