As a current and/or future organization leader, you have to be effective at two things among others day in and day out. You have to be effective at making decisions, but even more important, I would argue you have to be effective at shaping others’ decisions. And when we go about shaping others’ decisions, what do we often end up doing? We present rational arguments. Keep in mind that the rational brain accounts for only about 5% to 10% of human decisions by all estimates. I’m not saying you can ignore the rational side, but first and foremost, you need to play into what the emotional brain is looking for. You need to appeal to the emotional brain. You need to weave into the value proposition things that will bring about a feeling of comfort, this feeling of reassurance and peace of mind. You want to bring in excitement, kindle the inner child in that person. Discovery, curiosity, play, et cetera.
Author: Baba Shiv
Source: Stanford University
Subjects: Communication, Leadership, Management, Organizational Behavior
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