Learning Center: Operations
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Associations & Organizations [3 Posts]
Case Studies [21 Posts]
- Balanced Sourcing the Honda Way
- Coordinating Disaster Logistics after El Salvador’s Earthquakes using SUMA’s Humanitarian Supply Management System
- Flextronics: Staying Real in a Virtual World
- From Vertical to Virtual: How Nortel’s Supplier Alliances Extend the Enterprise
- Getting to Win-Win: How Toyota Creates and Sustains Best-Practice Supplier Relationships
- How Ikea Reassembled Its Growth Strategy
- Living in Dell Time
- Managing Product Returns at Hewlett Packard
- Partnering for Results: A Case Study of Re-engineering, the Corning Way
- Process Re-engineering at GTE: Milestones on a Journey Not Yet Completed
- Rebuilding Lego, Brick by Brick
- Sainsbury’s A: Transforming the Supply Chain and Sainsbury’s B: Supply Chain Performance Measurement
- The Hershey Company: Aligning Inside to Win on the Outside
- The Power of Synchronization: The Case of TAL Apparel Group
- The Scotts Company: (A) Transforming the European Supply Chain, (B) Developing a Supply Chain Balanced Scorecard
- What Can Go Wrong for $100 Million
- What FreshDirect Learned from Dell
- What Went Wrong at Cisco
- When the Supply Chain Snaps
- When Toyota Met E-Commerce: Lean at Amazon
- Zero Injuries, Waste, and Harm
Courses | Tutorials [3 Posts]
File Downloads [3 Posts]
Market Research [26 Posts]
- Average Cost of a Truck Roll
- Call Center Stats
- E-Commerce Fulfillment Stats
- E-Procurement Could Save Trillions
- E-procurement ROI
- Firm-to-Firm Online Purchasing Grows (2000)
- Fulfillment Headaches
- Fulfillment software investments to climb $1.3 billion
- Greasing the Gears – Supply Chain Processes Spending
- Life-cycle Management Technology Market
- Logistics Management Business Market Worldwide
- Online Customer Service Stats
- Online Logistics Market (Europe)
- Online Procurement Regains Momentum
- Online Procurement Stats
- Overseas Call Center and BPO Market
- Reverse Logistics Costs
- RFID’s Rapid Expansion
- Supply Chain Management (SCM) Market
- Telecom Bill Presentment Costs
- That’s the Sound of the Man Workin’ on Supply Chain
- Top Three US-based Company Expenses
- Total Telecom Opex Spending and Waste
- Web Development Breakdown Statistic
- Website Features That Are Typically Outsourced
- What Warranties Cost